Oh what a day it was!! Day 6 in New York was a most splendid affair. It started out quite early again, up before 9am...oh glorious. I was not the only one up earlier than usual though, as everyone was up by at least 10am on this wonderful Tuesday. Not a real adventurous morning in any sense of the word. Except, I did get to eat my Raisin Bran out of a pot because there was no bowls in our apartment. That was an experience I guess. But other than that, nothing really was going on until that afternoon.
Jon and myself decided to head on over to Kim's apartment because we were a little bored and she is not a boring person so it just seemed to make so much sense! While at her abode, Kim had the wondrous idea that we should go on the fire escape because it was such a beautiful day. I was the only on brave enough to attempt the feat and it was really cool out there...probably my new favorite thinking spot. Well, after a wee bit-o-time, we (Jon, Kim, Anne, Eric, And I) had to head on over to "The Housing Works" to find Jon some pants (Eric and him were ushering at the Women's Project and he needed khakis).
After our little shopping excursion, Anne, Eric, and I headed down to 93rd and Broadway to help give out sandwiches to the less fortunate. It is such a rewarding experience handing out food to these people! We talked to one lady who walks 50 minutes one way every Tuesday and Thursday to get one of these sandwiches. Wow. The need here is so great, I'm just happy we can do a little to maybe help someones life for the better.
Afterwards, Anne and I decided to go check out the price of the student rush tickets for the shows that we were interested in seeing this month. What was suppose to be a quick half hour of checking prices turned into a wonderful night that I will not forget until the late stages of Alzheimer's ravages my brain.
While checking out the prices for Memphis, Anne and I discovered that they were currently selling great seats for students for that night (5th row Mezzanine) for only $26.50. That may sound expensive, but the average Broadway ticket is like $125...so yeah, student rush is a great deal. So, naturally, we bought our tickets for that night and were set!
It was INCREDIBLY windy out which translated into some awesome tear bringing coldness, so we decided to duck into this restaurant named Junior's. It was delicious!! Any got some wonderful ball soup of the matzah variety and I got me a wonderful cheeseburger. It was some delicious foods. After we left, Anne decided she wanted to be a bad girl and sneak some Peanut M&M's into the theater! We went on an adventure to find a store to buy some from when we saw a street vendor selling some. The Asian lady running the stand said the candy was a 1.25, Anne said no thank you and we started to leave which prompted the storekeep to intermediately drop the price to $1. The M&M's were purchased and I feel like we accomplished something great.
Now...it is SHOWTIME!!!
Unfortunately, Memphis was sort of a disappointment. The set was the most amazing thing that I have ever experienced in my life. I think every single thing on that stage moved somehow and it was awesome. The singing was spectacular and so was the orchestra but that is were the goodness stopped. The directing was poor and the acting left something to be desired. I could not connect with the characters at all and I felt the worse thing that anyone can feel during a play in the second act...boredom. I was bored with the plot and the actors. I kept thinking how I could not wait for a scene change to see what the set would do next!!
The thing that made the show awesome was seeing it with the grand Miss Anne Wentworth! We made little comments to each other during the show and danced our little hearts out while being appropriate in the theater. Oh goodness, I don;t think I could have enjoyed it as much if she was not there with me!!
After the show, we headed back to the apartment and chilled until about midnight when everyone decided to call it a night.
'Til Tomorrow,
Jordan N.
I love the picture of you on my fire escape. It could be my favorite of the trip thus far...if you can you whilst I am going to use thus.
ReplyDeleteYou need to go back to Juniors and have their cheesecake, for which is what they are known.
Unfortunately, Broadway has really given in to production such as Memphis. No plot - recognizable music - heavy spectacle. Aristotle is not happy.
Oh, and good work on sticking to your guns on the peanut m&ms. Way to not give in to your colorful and sweet exterior and show your true hard nut standards. Extended metaphor #1, your turn Jordan.