Monday, January 11, 2010

Shop 'til You Drop

Another day has gone by in the Great New York Adventure and I had a wondrous time out with some of my glorious friends today. Not a really adventurous day, a real life Lazy Sunday (rim shot) if you will. After a late morning, Haley, Anne, and myself went out to SoHo to once again deliver handouts for the Women's Project's production "Smudge". Whilst delivering, we kept getting distracted by stores with awesome clothes and shoes and what have you. Granted, the delivering did get done, but some shopping got done as well.

After the delivering/shopping adventure. Haley took Anne and me over to the 99 cent pizza place right off of Time Square. You would think that such cheap pizza would be small and tasteless, well it was quite the opposite. The slices were fairly large and the crust was amazing!! Like melt in your mouth deliciousness. Totally worth the dollar. Oh and they say it cost 99 cents, but you do not get your penny change back. Granted it is just a penny but those pennies add up pretty quickly.

After pizza we headed back to the girls apartment only to be whisked out again twenty minutes later for more shopping, this time with Mariah in tow. We traveled out to Union Square and shopped our littles bodies sore at Strawberry and Filenes Basement. Strawberry's was kind of a womens shop but I loved Filenes Basement!! I will definitely try nad get back there at some point this month.

Oh goodness, I almost forgot! When Haley, Anne, and I were just outside our buildings doors, this old man started screaming almost every obscenity you can imagine at this taxi cab. I'm talking like 70 year old dude with a walker yelling at a taxi that is trying to get around him as he shuffles his way down the middle of the street going the wrong way. Probably the most hilarious thing that happened all weekend.

After the shopping and the old man encounter, it was chill time in the men's apartment for a little bit until I fell asleep around 11pm. Quite a good day in the NYC.

'Til Tomorrow
Jordan N.


  1. Buck-a-slice pizza! I lived on that stuff in Vancouver. Set one of those mighty slices next to a three-and-a-half-dollar Casey's mini-pizza—we're getting ripped off here!

    Keep shoppin' and hoppin'! :-)

  2. Did you really use the word "whilst?" I love the old man story. That MUST be written into a monologue...pick up the pen and start writing.
